
My obsession

Everyone must be have a dream. My dream is make a journey from other country to another country, to see how beautiful places around the world. One of way to achieve it, I like to get some scholarship at University in Netherland or United States. I'm not decision yet, where is the one I'm keen on. With the scholarship, I can get two benefit. First, I can continue my education with take a master program. Second is my dream come true, I can visit Netherland or USA.

I prefer Netherland because I like Europe. Since I was 12 years old, when I saw "Mtv jalan-jalan ke Eropa", I already interested with Europe. They have a beautiful scenery which it can make me adorable. Why Netherland, because many student of Indonesia take the education at Netherland University. But also I want to feel the atmosphere of Netherland, country which have a stories conected with my country.

But, I also interesting with United States of America [USA). USA is really different with Europe. Europe is classic but USA is modern. Beside, USA is the place where the theory "Realism" was born. When I was college, I'm really like with that theory. The most attractive is USA on of super power country. Many people want to see Liberty Statue. So I am.

Eventhough I have not decided it yet, I'm sure that I want to take master program of International Relations Affairs. Like my bachelor degree, I want to continue my education. International Relation Affairs make me obsessed. Maybe, I can be diplomat some other time.

Before I have to choose betwen them, I want to prepare my English. I take the IELTS program course for 3 months. So that, in the next year, I hope, I can get that scholarship. At the first day on my course is not the best day. Before the course held, the student should do the ielts test for the first time. With follow the test, the student will be know how many score they have. The purpose is, the student can compare the score with the score test after the student get course. Then, the student can know their ability in English.

It's not only my first course but also my first ielts test. I never done ielts test before. At the moment, I feel like a very stupid person because many question, I can't answer it. IELTS and TOEFL is similiar but they are different. I ever take the toefl test, but ielts test, I'm blind. Toefl is difficult but ielts more difficult. In listening section, I mess everything. I can't focus. I recomended to you people, when listening section, you have to focus. If not, you will lose number and score. Because ielts have a short time than toefl.

Reading sections is dangerous because you have to becareful to answer the questin correctly. Moreover, in ielts test, it's rarely answer with option A, B, C or D. You have to answer correctly with your answer. It means, you have to make sure that your answer is correct in both grammar and the spelling.

The most hated section is writing. I hate it because it's the most difficult. I have a problem with grammar. In writing section, you have to write some article which it relevan with the topic on the test. It might be hard, but I'm sure with more practise every day, writing is easy as same as writing in Indonesia.

The last section is speaking. Actually in this section isn't difficult than the others. But I'm nervous. It sometimes makes me mess up. To decrease my nervous, from now, me and my friend will practise with make some talk in English. I hope it can worked for me. I'm really hope this test succesfull and I'm not pay for useless.

Right now, my obsession is getting harder and harder to study English. With study, I can get the best score and my scholarship will be approved. I'm bored with my job. I need other challenge came to my life right now. Challenge is adventure. My life is journey and adventure.

Sept, 18th 2010