
Deficit, Indonesia will be impor gas

It is very Ironic. Indonesia is one of country which have many oil and gas. However, according to the balance of gases that have completed the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), this year, Indonesia will become a gas deficit of 2543 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd). The existing supply could only meet 88.9% of the needs. As a result, Indonesia may have to import.

Based on the balance of gas is divided into 12 regions of Indonesia is Aceh, Sumatera Bagian Utara, Sumatera Bagian East and South, Part of West Java, Central Java Part, Part East Java, South Sulawesi Parts, Parts Central Sulawesi, Maluku Bagian Selatan, Papua and Riau Islands. Gas deficit is the biggest region III region, Indonesia Bagian Tengah is 274 mmscfd. Deficit is the second largest in the province of East Java Part 263 mmscfd. Only the South Sulawesi province and Sulawesi Tengah Bagian not experience a deficit of gas

Director General of Energy and Mineral Resources Oil and Gas Evita Herawati Legowo said, the deficit occurred because the production of natural gas gas field below. Other causes, a new gas field late in production.

In order to overcome the deficit of gas, "We will tighten the supply-demand mapping and prioritizing which ones come first. If you are still lacking, there is another alternative that is imported," added the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Darwin Zahedy Saleh yesterday (10 / 3). According to Darwin, no matter if we have to import gas from domestic gas needs are met. Darwin confess that Indonesia to have conversations with the two countries related to the gas import policy. Both countries are Qatar and Nigeria.

But, at the same time the problem is many of Indonesia's natural gas exports. From Donggi Senoro gas field, for example, the government has set a 70% production will be exported. In fact, the field could produce 300 million cubic feet per day. He was a backup for this field should be 2.05 trillion cubic feet. Darwin said, the Government cannot cancel the contract of the current exports to be transferred in the country. Because normally, gas export contract lasted for 15, 20 and 25 years.

However, Director of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN), Hendi Priyo Santoso said, options Impor gas in the short term difficult to implement. Because Indonesia has not yet converter technology liquid natural gas (LNG) to gas. So, we must wait for development of terminals that accept completed in 2012. "Impor-term strategy is secondary, need to wake up the terminal a bit," he said.

Chief Representative, General Chamber Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Hariadi sukamndani frustrated with government policy to ekspor gas. "During this national industry is always sacrificed," he said. For example, ceramic and fertilizer industries.

Related to supply gas for revitalization fertilizer factory, Evita hoped to build fertilizer factory factory close to the source gas. Because the proposed natural gas that can meet these needs are far from the factory location there is a steady supply of Papua has 200 mmscfd. Then, in Central Sulawesi has supply of 91 mmscfd. And 85 mmscfd CEPU blocks for the development of new factories in Gresik Petrochemical. Meanwhile, to meet the fertilizer factory in Aceh, there will be supply of 120 mmscfd of Block A, Aceh began in 2012.

BP Migas committed to satisfy the gas for domestic factories, especially for fertilizer, electricity and industry. However, on the other hand BP Migas strive to fulfill the needs of appropriate gas contract commitments that have been agreed. "It is expected that the utilization of gas to fulfill domestic needs will increase significantly after 2010," said the head of Community Relations, BPMIGAS, Sulistya Hastuti.

According to Sulis, after the year 2010 commitment ekspor gas from abroad decreased. In addition, the supporting infrastructure, gas transmission and distribution in Indonesia from arousal. BPMIGAS also support development programs receiving terminal liquid natural gas (LNG) by Konsorsium of Company of electricity Indonesia (PLN), Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), and Pertamina. The existence of the LNG receiving terminal will facilitate the distribution of gas from the area that experienced a surplus of gas.

During the year 2009, The supply of gas for fertilizer industry reached 654 billion British thermal units per day (BBTUD) and to kelistrikan of 783.5 BBTUD. To fulfill the needs of industry have been supplied 1279.2 BBTUD through sales of gas to PGN and direct to industry, while exploitation of gas processed into LPG of 216.1 BBTUD.

Fitri Nur Arifenie

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